Thank you to the Miami Herald for this great coverage of the 2015 Rock 'N Run!

Friends and Neighbors: Rock ‘N Run raises more than $55,000 for cancer research


Participants at the third annual Rock ‘N Run raised more than $55,000 to help women in our South Florida community through breast and ovarian cancer research, awareness and assistance. 

“It was a huge success with over 500 participants,” said Amy Hollub, one of the organizers. Members of the Hollub and Wolf families hosted the Oct. 4 event.

“Rock ‘N Run plays an important role in the fight against breast and ovarian cancer by bringing passionate community members together to raise awareness about the diseases, while providing education and vital resources for local organizations serving women in our community,” said Andrea Ivory of Women’s Breast and Heart Health Initiative in a release. “This effort helps to save and change lives. We are so honored to be a part of it!”

(SOURCE) To read the full article, click here: